Categoría: Dating Advice
When we think of dating, we tend to imagine young people going out and finding love, while older people have already been long married and are no longer interested in the dating game. But this is a common misconception that needs to come to an end, because everyone, no matter how old they are, deserves […]
MásOnline dating has taken over and become one of the most popular ways for single people to meet others, make new friends and maybe even enter into a relationship with someone. Particularly now, in a world governed by technology and COVID-19, the likes of Hinge, Tinder and Bumble have become increasingly popular, with more dating […]
MásDating in the twenty first century has changed significantly thanks to the rise of smartphones and mobile apps. Today, you can access potentially thousands of suitors through various apps right on your phone. It’s as is you already know each other and can chat via text.
MásDating can be a difficult and overwhelming affair, especially for anyone that’s either never done it before, or who are going it to it again after a long spell being single. There are countless magazines and online articles describing the perfect first date, but all this does is add pressure to a situation that’s already […]
MásIn a perfect world, we only need to go on a single first date to meet the perfect person, after which we can throw in the towel and be happy. But the real world is far from perfect, and it’[s important to recognise and acknowledge that not everyone we meet along the way is gonna […]
MásWhy do you watch rom-coms? We’d bet good money that it’s not for the action-packed scenes or the historical drama and rather because of that unbelievable feeling you get when the heroine and hero finally get together after spending the entire movie to’ing and fro-ing.
MásSo you’ve been searching high and low on Tinder and OKCupid, looking for that perfect potential match. Now, at last, you’ve organised a first date. Panic! Will you be what they’re looking for? Will they be what you’re looking for? The stress is suddenly very real, and you’re wondering if you shouldn’t just call off […]
MásTechnology and new perspectives on gender and sex have had a dramatic effect on the laws of love, and it’s not so simple figuring out who pays for dinner and how long to wait to call after you get together anymore.
MásDating in the modern age can be a daunting prospect. The truth is you most likely won’t find your future partner at the local bar and you should invest your time and energy elsewhere. Tinder makes it a lot easier and more convenient, but even this seem like navigating a field of landmines. Here’s how […]
MásIf you are madly in love and want to impress your other half but you’re also on a very tight budget, planning a Valentines Date might be a little tricky. Your budget is more cream bun than caviar and you can’t afford a fancy night out but you still want to make your loved one […]